
Shepherding the hearts of students


K-12 Curriculum Overview

Bible, Theology, Philosophy and Apologetics

Classical Christian educators describe theology as the “queen of the sciences” and philosophy as its “handmaiden.” Bible, theology, philosophy and apologetics develop the thinking of the maturing student to effectively defend and advance the Christian faith in any arena. Grammar School students study a portion of the Bible, beginning with Genesis and moving through Revelation. In the Upper School, a comprehensive study of the law, history, poetry, and wisdom literature of the Old Testament, as well as the Gospels, Acts, and Pauline Epistles, exposes students to the revelation of God. Later studies include the creeds and confessions of the church through theology and apologetics.

” Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone that asketh you a reason for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence.”

1 Peter 3:15.

English Language, Composition and Literature

  • In grades Kindergarten through six, Kuyper emphasizes: reading, penmanship, spelling, grammar, composition and period-specific, age-appropriate literature.
  • Seventh-grade curriculum emphasizes: language development and usage, vocabulary, composition and a survey of good books from American literature.
  • Curriculum in grades eight through twelve emphasizes writing and continued language development, with literature based vocabulary development. Literature content in grades eight through twelve progresses through the good and great books of ancient, classical, early church, medieval, renaissance, reformation, modern, and American periods.


Grades Kindergarten through 12 survey the world, and especially Western Civilization, from the ancient to the modern day, in increasing sophistication. At each level students will grow to understand a Christian perspective on the development of civilization. Discussion aids students in seeing God’s providence in the outworking of His overarching plan.

  • Grammar level history emphasizes mental cataloging of the major people, events and dates through rhyme, rhythm and recitation.
  • Logic level history reviews the cataloged facts and aids the students in recognizing the connectivity of historical events, people and locations. Principles of logic and rhetoric are integrated to enhance student learning, discussion, debate and presentation.
  • High school level history explores the motivation of leaders, relationships between different cultures in existence at the same time, forms of government and causes of war.


Recognition of the orderly nature of God’s creation undergirds the philosophy of Kuyper Mathematics. Solid practical instruction is included so students grasp principles, aptly apply them and progressively master mathematics at each level.

  • Grammar level mathematics study addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Facts are learned inside, outside, upside down. Learning facts, geometrical shapes and groupings lead students easily into more complicated mathematical processes.
  •  Logic level students develop in symbolic mathematics. Algebra requires the student to work with the unknown; to analyze each problem, discover its central point and apply knowledge already acquired to its solution. High School level mathematics includes Advanced Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus

Foreign Language

Providing much of the foundation of English and Romantic languages, Latin is integral to a classical education opening a door into the classical world. Introductory Latin is taught third through sixth grade. High school Latin and Spanish is offered to students and other languages may be available.

Fine Arts

Recognizing God the creator in all things true, beautiful and good, Kuyper provides courses in:

  •   Chronological Music and Art History and Appreciation
  •   Musical Arts
  •   Visual Arts: Drawing and Painting
  •   Oratorical Arts: Speech, Debate


  • Grammar level science students discover the works of God in His creation through study and laboratory experience in the physical and life sciences.
  • When students enter the logic, reasoning or understanding stage of learning, sixth through eighth grade science provides the basis for ordering this revelation of God. Laboratory experience verifies the great discoveries of scientists.
  • High school students further study Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, reinforcing these principles through strident laboratory application. Studying the principles and laws of each science the graduate will finish with a sound grasp of foundational scientific ideas.

College and Career Guidance

Each student has been called by God to a life of Christian influence whether in the church and family or in the broader society through law, politics, economics and business, the arts, sciences or industry. Kuyper provides assistance through the help of a guidance coordinator and well-ordered preparation for college exams and the application process. Graduates of Kuyper have enrolled in private liberal arts colleges, Christian colleges, and state institutions of higher learning pursuing an array of post secondary training.


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